gh: Huh? Why smart? why happy? What barney?
Liangzhong: Rot your head luhs! I went out okaye! :D hahahas
Siao ah! Whack you you ahs! :D hhhahas.
JeromeTay: LOLS! I went out ytd lah!
ytd i only rot at home in the afternoon.
Mum last min call to ask me meet her to go find the dress.
At least i went out.
The picture i took was the dress the like it more.
But mum says it's a lil too big D:
The dresses is either i dunlike or too big.
Wth mans.
Later maybe going out with munyee and her dad to expo and AIRPORT?!
Then after that meet my mum.
Going to father there.
My left legs suddenly have alot of red spots.
And they are painful. D:
SO! I'm going to ask father about it! :D
JokeOfTheDay! :
TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.