Ytd wasn't feeling well.
Then skipped dinner.
Dad brought me see a doctor.
Went into the room alone,
cos dad outside watch tv.
Then the after the doc check up,
he say: " Call your dad in. I need to talk to him."
This freak me out lah.
Cos usually when i sick, he just check and say okay.
Called dad in.
Then he say:" I suspect she got H1N1.
But is just minor. So just ret for 2days.
If still dun get well, come back immediatly."
Then he gave me some medicine lo.
Lucky all pills! :D

Tamiflu is for H1N1 virus! (Extra medicine)
This pink medicine very weird.
Not as in taste. But i must take 1.5 tablets each time.
Must keep the half for the next time.

Cos not feeling well.
Then she kana suspected H1N1 also.
Cos she bodyache and stuff for 1week alrdy.
Cos she bodyache and stuff for 1week alrdy.
Then she got 7 days mc.
At first, i just have 2days.
But i dunno why, change to 7days!
And i got extra medicine.
I stay at homw damn bored. D:
I wann go back school.
I miss all my friends.
I miss bball.
I wan go SCHHHH!
Then had tea break at home.
Mama went out to buy some snacks! :D

Say i wan go sch, i wan go out!
At home 1 day i can bored to death le.
Then she finally say:" Let's go imm get your new phone."
I was like WOW. So sudden.
Then i bought a new phone! :D
Same as daryl.
I forgot post the helloekitty pictures.
Shall post ASAP.
Then we bought food.
Now my frigde not so empty at last.
Cos we cant go out.
So the food shall last me and my mama for 1 week! :D
Temperature keep going up and coming down. D: